Tips For Dealing With Conveyor Belt Tracking

If you are the owner of the manufacturing industry or a maintenance technician in the unit, you know that conveyor belt tracking is a big issue for smooth working. The experts define tracking as a process where the technical members find the ways and means to align the belt so that it works perfectly in synchronization with the rest of the system. It may seem like an easy task, but usually, the problem is more complex than you can imagine. Some reasons that may hinder the tracking process are a misaligned conveyor or belt, an incorrect sliding bed, improper assembly of belt pulleys and rolls, wrong tension, an incorrect profile, inadequate protection against contamination, or a wrong belt type. Here are a few tips from the conveyor belt suppliers that can help with the process of tracking. Choosing the correct size : On the outside, it may seem easy to choose the belt for the operation, but the conveyor belt manufacturers beg to differ. They say that choosing the correct size and belt...